01.10.2016 / 12.11.2016
In una stanza disabitata d’inverno, decorata da macchie di muffa e salmastro, sul pavimento in ceramica industriale, la testa di Giano BIFRONTE
Jonatah Manno
Text by Caterina Riva
CRIPTA747, Torino
Cripta747 is glad to present In una stanza, disabitata d’inverno, decorata da macchie di muffa e salmastro, sul pavimento in ceramica industriale, la testa di Giano Bifronte, first solo show of Jonatah Manno in Turin and part of the Residency Programme that inaugurates the new season at the venue in Via Quittengo 41/b.
The title refers to Janus, one of the most ancient Roman-Italic deities. According to Macrobius the name of Janus derives from the verb ire, “to go”, “the world is steadily going, moving in circle and starting from itself to itself returns.” With these characteristics Janus extended its control over the dual sphere of the creation, in eternal reconciliation of the opposites: the beginnings and the endings, back and forth, inside and outside. He is usually depicted as having two faces, Bifrons, since he looks to the future and to the past.
We can see the same peculiarity in the istallation Thousand thousand slimy things. Originally made on the shore with concrete blocks, sea water and chemistry glassware, it is capable of suggesting an ideal comparison between two distant places: the interior of the gallery, able to influence the participatory experience, and the timeless space of the south Adriatic coast, where the artist lives and works. Manno’s research develops working methodologies that include the study of traditional symbolisms in esoteric and theosophical spheres. He also analyzes the multiple value of the materials.
In alchemy sulfur is fire, light, gold, representing the masculine principle, in These cities were all fantasies a sulfur landscape stands on a Zucor drafting table of the 60’s, transforming the work into a dialogic platform liable to infinite meanings which stops only with the interpretation of the viewer.
Anthropology as holistic system of interaction between man and the surrounding environment is the centre of the drawing from the serie Landscapes. It represents the seacoast with traces of architecture, signs of the mankind presence, which gives form and measure to the imponderable natural law.
In the two tondi made with the technique of the glass enamel on copper, the sublimation of the materials, the transformation of the sub-stanzia into the substance is the theoretical fulcrum on which the signifiers of the work revolve.
Cripta747 is glad to present In una stanza, disabitata d’inverno, decorata da macchie di muffa e salmastro, sul pavimento in ceramica industriale, la testa di Giano Bifronte, first solo show of Jonatah Manno in Turin and part of the Residency Programme that inaugurates the new season at the venue in Via Quittengo 41/b.
Nel titolo si fa riferimento a Giano, una delle più antiche divinità romano-italiche. Secondo Macrobio il nome di Giano deriva dal verbo ire, “andare”, “il mondo va sempre, muovendosi in cerchio e partendo da se stesso a se stesso ritorna”. Con queste caratteristiche Giano estendeva il suo dominio sulla duplice sfera delle entrate e delle uscite, in eterna conciliazione degli opposti: passato e futuro, avanti e indietro, interno ed esterno, rappresentato con due facce, Giano Bifronte.
Peculiarità che si ritrova in Thousand thousand slimy things, installazione realizzata in origine sulla battigia di una spiaggia con blocchi di cemento, acqua di mare e vetri per la chimica, capace di produrre un confronto ideale tra due luoghi lontani: quello interno della galleria, in grado di influenzare l’esperienza partecipativa, e quello atemporale ed esterno della costa sud adriatica, dove l’artista vive e lavora.
La ricerca di Manno sviluppa metodologie di lavoro che includono lo studio del simbolismo tradizionale in ambito esoterico e teosofico analizzando il valore multiplo dei materiali impiegati. In alchimia lo zolfo è fuoco, luce, oro e principio mascolino.
In These cities were all fantasies un paesaggio di zolfo attivo si erge su un tecnigrafo per architettura Zucor degli anni ‘60, trasformando l’opera in una piattaforma dialogica passibile di infiniti significati, capace di arrestarsi solo nel momento di incontro con l’interpretazione dello spettatore.
L’antropologia intesa come sistema olistico di interazione tra l’uomo e il circostante è al centro del disegno tratto dalla serie Landscapes, dove un paesaggio della costa presenta tracce di architetture a testimonianza dell’operato dell’uomo che dà forma e misura all’imponderabilità delle leggi naturali.
In mostra anche due tondi realizzati con la tecnica dello smalto di vetro su rame, in questo caso il processo di sublimazione dei materiali, la trasformazione dalla sub-stanzia alla sostanza, è il perno teorico su cui ruotano i significanti che compongono l’opera.
01.10.2016 / 12.11.2016
In una stanza disabitata d’inverno, decorata da macchie di muffa e salmastro, sul pavimento in ceramica industriale, la testa di Giano BIFRONTE
Jonatah Manno
Text by Caterina Riva
CRIPTA747, Torino
Cripta747 is glad to present In una stanza, disabitata d’inverno, decorata da macchie di muffa e salmastro, sul pavimento in ceramica industriale, la testa di Giano Bifronte, first solo show of Jonatah Manno in Turin and part of the Residency Programme that inaugurates the new season at the venue in Via Quittengo 41/b.
The title refers to Janus, one of the most ancient Roman-Italic deities. According to Macrobius the name of Janus derives from the verb ire, “to go”, “the world is steadily going, moving in circle and starting from itself to itself returns.” With these characteristics Janus extended its control over the dual sphere of the creation, in eternal reconciliation of the opposites: the beginnings and the endings, back and forth, inside and outside. He is usually depicted as having two faces, Bifrons, since he looks to the future and to the past.
We can see the same peculiarity in the istallation Thousand thousand slimy things. Originally made on the shore with concrete blocks, sea water and chemistry glassware, it is capable of suggesting an ideal comparison between two distant places: the interior of the gallery, able to influence the participatory experience, and the timeless space of the south Adriatic coast, where the artist lives and works. Manno’s research develops working methodologies that include the study of traditional symbolisms in esoteric and theosophical spheres. He also analyzes the multiple value of the materials.
In alchemy sulfur is fire, light, gold, representing the masculine principle, in These cities were all fantasies a sulfur landscape stands on a Zucor drafting table of the 60’s, transforming the work into a dialogic platform liable to infinite meanings which stops only with the interpretation of the viewer.
Anthropology as holistic system of interaction between man and the surrounding environment is the centre of the drawing from the serie Landscapes. It represents the seacoast with traces of architecture, signs of the mankind presence, which gives form and measure to the imponderable natural law.
In the two tondi made with the technique of the glass enamel on copper, the sublimation of the materials, the transformation of the sub-stanzia into the substance is the theoretical fulcrum on which the signifiers of the work revolve.